A       We use the Present Simple to describe things that are always true, or situations that exist now  and, as far as we know , will go on indefinitely.
             #  It takes me an hour to go to office.
             #  He plays football brilliantly.
B       We use the Present Simple to  talk about habit or things that happen on a regular basis.
             # I leave office at 5.00 most days.
             # We go for a morning walk  daily.
C      We use the Present Simple with verbs that perform the action they describe.
             # I admit I cant see as well as I used to. (= an admission)
             #  I refuse to believe he didn’t know the bike was stolen. (= a refusal)
           Other verbs like this include accept,acknowledge,advise,apologise,assume,deny,guarantee,hope,inform,predict,promise,recommend,suggest ,suppose, warn.

1.            AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + first form of verb (s, es) +object.
2.            NEGATIVE                         : Subject + do , does + first form of verb +object.
3.            INTERROGATIVE            : Do, Does +subject+ first form of verb +object?
4.            NEG. INTERROGATIVE  : Do, Does + subject + not + first form of verb+ object?

POINT TO REMEMBER : Singulars in III person always take ‘s’ or ‘es’ or ‘does’ with the verb.



            cause(s) , close(s) , drink(s) , lives(s) , open(s) , speak(s) ,   take(s) place
i.       Ram  ___________ Hindi very well.
ii.       I never __________ coffee.
iii.      The swimming- pool _________at 9o’clock and ____________at 18.30 daily.
iv.      Bad driving _________many accidents.
v.       My parents _________ in a very small flat.
vi.      The Olympic Games ____________ every four years.


 i.        She __________(not/drink) tea very often.
 ii.       What time __________(the banks/close) in India.
 iii.     ‘Where _________(Martin/come) from ?’ ‘He is  American’.
 iv.     ‘What ____________(you/do)?’ ‘ I am a doctor.’
 v.       It _________(take) me an hour to get to work.How long _________(it/take)you?
 vi.      I _________(play) the piano but I ________(not/play) very well.
 vii.    What ___________(this/word) mean?


          Believe , eat , flow , grow , make , rise , tell , translate

 i.       Rice _________in Britain.
 ii.      The Sun ____________in the East.
 iii.     Bees ____________honey.
 iv.     Vegetarians ______________meat.
 v.      An athiest _____________ in God.
 vi.     An interpreter ______________from one language into another.
 vii.    A liar is someone who _____________the truth.
 viii.   The river Amazon ______________into the Atlantic Ocean.


 A     When we want to indicate that something happened at a specific time in the past,we   use the past simple.
             #  Vipin arrived at New Delhi Airport at 2 o’clock this morning.
             #  Niharika left just a few minutes ago.

B     We use the past simple for situations that existed for a period of time in the past ,but not now:
              #  When I was younger, I played  football for my college team.
              #  The Mughals ruled India  for thousands of years.

 C      We use the past simple to talk about how long something went on for,if the action is  no longer going on.
              #  I stayed with my uncle for a year.( = I am no longer staying there)
              # ‘ My father spent a lot of time in Mumbai when he was younger.’ ‘How long did he live there ?’      

1.      AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + second form of verb +object.
2.      NEGATIVE                         : Subject + did + first form of verb +object.
3.      INTERROGATIVE            : Did +subject + first form of verb +object?
4.      NEG. INTERROGATIVE : Did + subject + not + first form of verb +object?


i.         It was warm , so I ______ off the coat.   ( take )
ii.      The film was ordinary. I ________ it very much. (enjoy)
iii.    I knew Radha was busy so I _________her. (disturb )
iv.    I was very tired so I ________ to bed early.  (go )
v.      The bed was uncomfortable .I ________very well. ( sleep )
vi.     Simi wasn’t hungry so she ___________anything. (eat )
vii.  We went to Niki’s house but she _________at home. ( be )
viii.   It was a funny situation but nobody ___________.  (laugh )
ix.    The hotel wasn’t very expensive .It _______ very much. ( cost )
x.      I was in a hurry so I _________ time to phone you. ( have )

         Buy .catch , cost , drink , fall , hurt , sell , spend , teach , throw , win , write

i.          Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.
ii.      ‘How did you learn to drive ?’ ‘My father ________ me .’
iii.     We could not afford to keep our car so we _______ it.
iv.     I was very thirsty. I_______ the water very quickly.
v.       Sami and I played tennis yesterday. He is a good player and _______ easily.
vi.     Ravi _____ down the stairs this morning and ________ his leg.
vii.   Jim ___________the bell to Nina, who ________ it.
viii.   Vijay ____________a lot of money yesterday. He _________ a dress which _______ Rs.5000.

         2.3          COMPLETE THE SENTENCE

i.        They __________her to the party so she _________. ( Invite /go)
ii.      ‘Did you ____________time to write a letter.’ ‘No, I ________. ( have)
iii.    It was hard work carrying the bags. They __________ very heavy. (be )
iv.    What __________ in the evening?  ( you /do )
v.      How long ___________ there?  (you/stay )


  A     We use simple future for an action that has still to take place. It is used when we decide to do  something at the time of speaking.
                # Oh, I have left the door open. I shall go and shut it.
                  We can’t use the present simple (I do / I go etc.) here.
 B     We use simple future when we offer to do something;
                # That bag looks heavy. I will help you. (not ‘I help’ )

 C     We use simple future when we agree to do something;
                 # X : You know that book I lent you .Can I have it back ?
                 # Y : I will give it to you this afternoon .( not ‘I give’)

 D     We use simple future when we promise to do something;
                 # Thanks for lending me the money. I will pay you back on Monday. (not ‘I pay’)

   E     We use simple future when we ask somebody to do something;
                 # Will you please be quiet. I am trying to concentrate.

1.   AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + will, shall+ first form of verb +object.
2.   NEGATIVE                         : Subject +will, shall + not+ first form of verb +object.
3.   INTERROGATIVE            : Will, Shall +subject + first form of verb +object?
          4.   NEG. INTERROGATIVE : Will, Shall + subject + not + first form of verb +object?


 3.1    COMPLETE  THE SENTENCE WITH  will ,shall +one of these verbs.
        Be , be , come , get , like , look , meet , pass

i.             Don’t worry about your exam. I am sure you _______________.
ii.           Why don’t you try on this  jacket ? It ___________nice on you.
iii.          You must meet Ram sometime. I think you _____________him.
iv.          It is raining. Don’t go out. You __________wet.
v.           They have invited me to their house .They ____________offended if I don’t go.
vi.          Good bye. I expect we _____________again before long.
vii.        I have invited Geeta to the party but I don’t think she ______________.
viii.      I wonder where I ___________20 years from now.

  3.2    WRITE QUESTIONS USING  do you think …will…..? + one of these verbs.

           Be back , cost , finish , get married ,happen ,like ,rain
i.        I have bought Mary a present. Do you think ___________?
ii.      The weather looks bad. Do you think ________________ ?
iii.    The meeting is still going on. When do you____________?
iv.    My car needs to be repaired. How much ______________?
v.      Rahul and Shally are in love. Do ____________________?
vi.    ‘I am going out now.’ ‘O.K. what time _______________?
vii.     The future situation is uncertain. What ______________ ?

  3.3   COMPLETE THE SENTENCE WITH  I’ll + a suitable verb.

i.       ‘ I don’t know how to use computer.’ ‘OK, _______you.’
ii.     ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘__________coffee, please.’
iii.       ‘Good bye! Have a nice holiday.’ ‘Thanks. _______ you a postcard.’
iv.       ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘No, I think ___________here.’
v.     ‘We haven’t got any milk.’ ‘Ok,___________ and get some.’
vi.       ‘Do you want me to do the washing –up?’ ‘No, it’s  all right. __________do it
                             PRESENT  CONTINUOUS  TENSE

  To talk about particular actions or events that have begun but haven’t ended at the  time of speaking , we use the Present Continuous.
         #‘Don’t make so much noise. I am working.’ ( not I work )
B   We use the Present Continuous when we talk about things happening in a period  around now. (  for e.g. today , this week etc.)
          #  You are working hard today. ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’
                                                    ( not ‘you work hard today’)
C    We use the Present Continuous when we talk about changes happening around now:
       # The population of the world is rising very fast. ( not ‘rises’)
       #  Is your English getting better ? ( not ‘does your English get beter’)


         1.      AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + is, am are+ first form of verb ( +ing) +object.
         2.      NEGATIVE                         : Subject +is ,am are + not+ first form of verb ( +ing)  +object.
         3.      INTERROGATIVE            : Is ,Am, Are +subject + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?
         4.      NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Is ,Am, Are + subject + not + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?


     Come , get , happen , look , make , start , stay , try , work

i.        ’You _______ hard today .’’Yes, I have a lot to do .’
ii.       I _______ for Geeta.Do you know where she is ?
iii.     It _______ dark.Shall I turn on the light ?
iv.     They __________with friends until they find a house.
v.   ‘Are you ready Rahul ?’ ‘ Yes,I __________.’
vi.     Have you got an umbrella? It __________ to rain.
vii.   You _________ a lot of noise. Could you be quieter ? I _______ to concentrate.
viii.Why are all these people here? What _______?


i.       I am tired. I ______ ( go ) to bed now. Good night.
ii.     We can go out now. It ________ (rain ) any more.
iii.   ‘How is your job?’’Not very good. I ______ (enjoy ) it very much .
iv.    I want to lose weight so this week I _________ (eat) lunch.
v.      Anita has just started evening classes. She ______ (learn) German.
vi.    I think Ronit and Vikram have had an agreement. They _______(speak) to each other.


Ajay : Ravi! How nice to see you ! What _____(you/do) these days?
Ravi : I ______(train) to be a supermarket manager.
Ajay : Really! What is it like?_______(you /enjoy) it ?
Ravi : It is all right. What about you?
Ajay : Actually I ______(not/work) at the moment. I _______(try) to find a job. But I am very busy. I _____ (decorate) my flat.
Ravi : ___________ ( you/do)it alone?
Ajay : No, some friends of mine _______(help) me.


                                    PAST  CONTINUOUS  TENSE

   A   We use the Past Continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.The action or situation had already started before but had not finished.
              I started doing             I was doing               I finished doing
    Past                                Past                                 Past                               Now
# What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night.

    We use the Past Continuous when the repeated actions or events provide a longer   background to something else that happened.
  # During the times I started to get chest pains, I was playing tennis a lot.

C       We often use the Past Continuous and Past Simple together to say that something happened in the middle of  something else.
     # Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking his dinner.


      1.AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + was, were+ first form of verb ( +ing) +object.
      2.NEGATIVE                         : Subject + was, were + not+ first form of verb ( +ing) +object.
      3.INTERROGATIVE            : Was, Were  + subject + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?
      4.NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Was, Were  + subject + not + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?

          Work , read , sit , look , live , work , wash , read , get , look , shake, ache , stay

i.     At the time of robbery they _______ with my parents.
ii.   My head _______ again, so I went home.
iii.  She ____ with anger as she left the hotel.
iv.  When he realized I was ______ at him, he turned away.
v.    Sita dropped her bag while she _____ into the car.
vi.   Radha ____ a book while Ruby _______ up.
vii.   Namit ______ in a hotel when I ______ in Mumbai.
viii.   I waved to her but she _________.
ix.       He ________ on the grass and ___________ a book.
x.         I ___________in the garden when I met him.

Amit : ___________(I/look) for you. I am afraid I have broken the dish.
Vicky : Oh no ! What _________ ( you/do) .
Amit : ____________( I / take) it into the kitchen . I bumped into Maria._______(she / come) out just as ________( I/go) in.
Vicky : I expect it was your fault._______( you / not/look ) where _______ ( you/go).
Amit : Sorry ! I will buy you another.


i.     You  had to work yesterday. The work went on all day.
    Answer : I was working all day.
ii.   You had to make phone calls. The calls went on all evening.
iii. You had to wait in the rain. The wait lasted for half an hour.
iv. You had to make sandwiches . This went on all afternoon.
v.   You had to sit in a traffic jam. You were there for two hours.

A      We use Future Continuous for an action over a period of time. It means that at some time in the future  we will be in the middle of an action.
# What will be doing in ten years time, I wonder?
# I will be out at 3 o’ clock. I will be playing golf.
B        We use Future Continuous for an action which will happen in the course of events because it is a part of a plan or part of a schedule of future events.
      # The party will be starting at ten o’ clock.
                                   ( Part of evening’s events)
C        We often use Future Continuous for something that will happen as a part of a  routine.
                # My mother will be cleaning the house tomorrow.She always does it on   Sunday.
D       We often use Future Continuous to ask about someone’s plans.
                 # Will you be going near a chemist this morning?
                 # How long will you be using this computer?


       1.AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + will , shall + be +first form of verb ( +ing) +object.
       2.NEGATIVE                         : Subject + will , shall + not + be + first form of verb ( +ing) +object.
       3.INTERROGATIVE            : Will , Shall + subject + be + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?
       4.NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Will , Shall + subject + not +be + first form of verb ( +ing) +object?


Vijay : I am going to go into business when I leave college. Five years from now _________ ( I / run ) a big company. I expect __________ ( I / earn ) lots of money.
Mark : I don’t know what _________(I / do ).What about you Nancy ? What __________ (you / do ) do you think?
Nancy : I am too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone very rich._____________( I / give ) dinner parties all the time. We will have a cook ____________ ( who / do ) all the work.

6.2         PUT IN THE ANSWER

  David : When are you going to club ? 
                              ( Nick goes to club every Friday )
   Nick : I will be going there next Friday.

1.Vicky : Are you likely to see Rahim in the near future ?
                          ( Meena sees Rahim everyday )
2. Raj : Are you going to France again soon ?
                          ( Mohit goes to France every summer )
3.Jasmine : When are you going to play badminton again ?
                          ( Micky plays badminton every weekend )
4.Neha : When are you next having lunch in the canteen?
                          ( Madhav has lunch in the canteen everyday )

       Work , have , pass , sail , arrive , play
i.   Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We ______ dinner then.
ii. I _______the post office when I am out.
iii.  Sam ___________ in his office.
iv.  The train _________ in time.
v.  The ship ___________ soon.
vi.  The band _______ when the President enters.

                                     PRESENT  PERFECT  TENSE

A      We use Present Perfect when we talk about something that happened in a period  of time up to the present.
           # Science has made many major advances this century.

B      We can use either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple to talk about repeated actions or events. In the Present Perfect we suggest that the action or event might happen again. If we use Past Simple ,  it suggests that it is finished and won’t happen again. Compare  :
          #  Tommy has made 10 films and his latest is the best.
          #  Tommy made 10 films before he was killed in an accident.
C     We use Present Perfect with today /this morning / this evening etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking.
             # Have you had a holiday this year?

      1.AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + has, have + third form of verb +object.
      2.NEGATIVE                         : Subject + has, have +not + third form of verb+ object.
      3.INTERROGATIVE            : Has, Have+ subject + third form of verb +object?
      4.NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Has, Have + subject + not + third form of verb + object?

7.1   COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. SOMETIMES THESE MAY BE NEGATIVE          Be , be , eat , happen , have , meet , play , read , see , see , try

i.     What is George’s sister like?               I don’t know.___________ her.
ii.    How is Rita these days?                       I don’t know. I _____her recently.
iii.   Are you hungry?                                  Yes, I _________ much today.
iv.  Can you play chess?                            Yes, but ______ for ages.
v.    Did you enjoy your holiday?               Yes, it’s the best holiday ______for a long time.
vi.  What is that book like?                        I don’t know. I _____it.
vii.  Is Kolkata an interesting city?            I have no idea. I ___________ there.
viii.Ram was late for work again today. Again! He _____every day this week.
ix.   Do you like rice?                                I don’t know. I _________ it.
x.    The car broke down again yesterday. Not again. That is the second time _____this week.  
xi.    Who is that woman by the door?       I don’t know.I_______________before.

            Arrive , break , go up , grow , improve , lose

i.        Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it.
      He _______________________________.
ii.      Annie can’t walk and her leg is in the plaster.
      She _______________________________.
iii.    Mary’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is much better.
      She __________________________________
iv.    Tommy didn’t have a beard last month. Now he has a beard.
       He ____________________________________
v.      I was expecting a letter. Now I have it.
      The letter _____________________
vi.    Last week the bus fare was Rs. 5. Now it is Rs. 8.
      The bus fares ____________________

                                        PAST  PERFECT  TENSE

A     We use the Past Perfect to talk about a past situation or activity that took place before another past situation or activity or before a particular time in the past.
        # Rohan discovered that Romil had lied to her.
             Romil lied                                Rohan discovered                                Now

      We use the Past Perfect when we say what we wanted or hoped to do, but didn’t.
              # I had desired to visit the gallery before I left Mumbai but it’s closed on Sundays.

     When we use a time expression ( e.g. often , as soon as , before , by the time , when) to say that one event happened after another, we use the Past Perfect for the event that happened first and the Past Simple for the event that happened second.   
         # After he had finished reading ,he put out the light.


         1.AFFIRMATIVE                  : Subject + had + third form of verb +object.
         2.NEGATIVE                         : Subject + had + not + third form of verb+ object.
         3.INTERROGATIVE            : Had + subject + third form of verb +object?
         4.NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Had  + subject + not + third form of verb + object?


i.              You went to Neha’s house but she wasn’t there.
         (She /go/out) __________________________
ii.            I invited Sonia to the party but she couldn’t come.
         (She/arrange/to do something else)_______________
iii.          You went to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same.
         ( It /change/a lot) ________________________
iv.          You went to the cinema last night. You arrived late.
          ( The film/already/begin)____________________
v.            I was very pleased to see Vinay again after such a long time.
          (I/not/see/him/for five years)________________________
vi.          I offered Anu something to eat but she wasn’t hungry.
         (She /just/have/breakfast)___________________________
vii.        We rushed to the station but we were too late.
         (The train/just/go)_________________________________
viii.      I didn’t have an umbrella but that didn’t matter.
          (The rain/stop)____________________________________
ix.          When I got to the concert hall ,they wouldn’t let me in.
         (forget / my ticket) ________________________________
x.            Someone got the number of the car the raiders used.
         (steal/it/a week before)_____________________________
xi.          I was really pleased to see Sonika again yesterday.
          (not see/her/for ages) ______________________________
xii.        Luckily the flat didn’t look bad when my parents called in.
          (just/clean/it) _____________________________________
xiii.      The boss invited me to lunch yesterday but I had to refuse.
         (already/eat/my sandwiches) _________________________
xiv.      Renu looked very fresh when I saw her last week.
          (just /be/on holiday) ________________________________
xv.        At last the committee were ready to announce their decision.
         (They/make up/mind)_______________________________



                                       FUTURE  PERFECT  TENSE
A     We use the future perfect tense to say something will already be completed.
             # The match will have finished by 10.30 .
             #  By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
B        Notice that we can use other model verbs instead of will to talk about the future in a less certain way.
             # By the time you get home I may/should have cleaned the house from top to bottom.


   1.AFFIRMTIVE                    : Subject + will, shall + have + third form of verb +object.
   2.NEGATIVE                         : Subject + will, shall + have + not + third form of verb+ object.
   3.INTERROGATIVE            : Will , Shall + subject +have + third form of verb +object?
   4.NEG. INTERROGATIVE :  Will , Shall + subject +have + not + third form of verb + object?

POINT TO REMEMBER :  When  needed, ‘will’ and ‘shall’ only take ‘have’ with them and never ‘has’ in any case.

             9.1        PUT THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB
             Go , forget , finish , finish , have , spend

i.     Phone me after 8’o clock. ___________ dinner by then.
ii.    I will be free at 11.30. The meeting _______ by that time.
iii.    Tom is very extravagant. If he continuous like this, _________ money before  the end of his holiday.
iv.    Sunita always leaves for work at 9 am, so if you reach there at ten, she _______ to work.
v.     Although people are now angry about what we did , I am sure they ________ by  next year.
vi.    This chess game is going to last ages. They ______ it until midnight.

i.    It is quarter to six. Radha is putting something in the oven. It needs to be in the  oven for an hour and a half. When will it have cooked?
ii.   It is seven and Rohan is starting to write. He writes a page in 15 min. He plans to finish the essay at midnight. How many pages will he have written?
iii.  It is Monday. Seema is going to her office which is 20 miles away. How far will she have travelled to and from work by Friday evening?
iv.  Mohan is doing press-ups one every two seconds. How many will he have done after five minutes?
 v.  During jogging, Neha completes a round of 400 meters in two minutes. She usually jogs for 30 minutes. How far will she have jogged by then?



                            PRESENT  PERFECT  CONTINUOUS  TENSE
A   We use present perfect continuous to talk about an activity that started in the past and has been in progress for a period until now. Sometimes it contains the expressions that indicate the time period (e.g. with since and for)
       # The competition has been running every year since 1980.
       The situation or activity may still be going on, or it may just have stopped .Compare
       #  We have been discussing the proposal for a number of years.
                                                                              ( = still going on )
       # Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?
                                         ( = recently stopped )
Note : When we talk about situations or actions that went on over a past period of time but finished at a particular point of time before now , We don’t use the present perfect continuous.
         # I was reading until midnight last night. ( not I have been reading)


1.   AFFIRMATIVE                     : Subject + has, have + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.
2.   NEGATIVE                         : Subject + has, have + not + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.

3.   INTERROGATIVE            : Has, Have+ subject + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?

4.   NEG. INTERROGATIVE    :  Has, Have+ subject +not + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?


                Help , revise , carry ,organize , risk , think

i.           The situation continuous to be serious and troops ______ their lives to rescue people from the floods.
ii.         Mary hasn’t been at work for a while. She ________ her husband get over a serious illness.
iii.       I ________ very hard for this exam. I hope I do well.
iv.        Because the children are older, we ________ of moving to a bigger house.
v.         I _______ this suitcase around with me all day and it is really heavy.
vi.       For many years now, Glasgow ________ citywide festivals to celebrate the cultures of other countries. This year the focus is on Sweeden.

                     Go on , invest , live , run , serve , suffer

i.           Henry moved to California three years ago.
ii.         The project to send astronauts to Mars began in 1991.
iii.       Raima took over as head of the company six months ago.
iv.       Rockey began a life sentence for murder in 1992.
v.         Graham’s knee injury began at the U S open earlier this year.
vi.       Local authorities began to invest heavily in new computer systems at the beginning of the 1990s.
                               PAST  PERFECT  CONTINUOUS  TENSE
 A    We use the past perfect continuous when we talk about a situation or activity  that happened over a period up to  a particular past time or until shortly before it.
           #   Rajeev had been saving since Diwali to buy a new bike.
 B    We use the past perfect continuous when we talk about the continuity or duration of a situation or activity and the past perfect to talk about the completion of a situation or activity or its effect. Sometimes the difference between them is simply one of emphasis.
           #  I had been working very hard so I felt that I deserved a holiday.
                                                                 ( emphasizes the activity)
           #   I had worked hard and the report was now finished.
                                                ( emphasizes the result )

Present Perfect Continuous                                        Past Perfect Continuous

_________I have been -ing≥ł___________________I had been-ing≥ł________ł
Past                                      now                                                         past           now


1.   AFFIRMATIVE                     : Subject + had+ been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.
2.    NEGATIVE                           : Subject + had + not + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.

3.   INTERROGATIVE               : Had + subject + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?

4.   NEG. INTERROGATIVE      :  Had + subject +not + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?



i.           I was very tired when I arrived home.
       ( I/work/hard all day ) _____________________
ii.         Two boys came into the house with a football. They were very tired.
       ( They/play/football ) ______________________
iii.       There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigerrette.
        ( Somebody/ smoke/in the room ) _____________
iv.       Atul woke up in the middle of the night. He was frightened.
        ( He / dream ) _____________________________
v.         When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He has just turned it off.
       ( He / watch/TV ) ___________________________

          Pay/bills , stay/friends , smoke/cigar , try/to steal/car , attend/ classes ,  cycle/quite fast , feel/nervous , suffer/cancer/sometime

i.           She returned to the house where she ____________________.
ii.         Rama ________________ until she reached the hill.
iii.       By the smell in the room and his guilty expression, I could tell that Alex _______________________.
iv.       The Principal called Rani into his office because she __________.
v.         I had to give Peter some money when I found out that he ________.
vi.       He told the police that he __________. He said he thought it belonged to his brother.
vii.     She could not give proper answers to all the questions. She _________.
viii.   Ronit died last week. It was expected. He ______________________.


                          FUTURE  PERFECT  CONTINUOUS  TENSE
   A     We use the future perfect continuous to emphasize how long something has  been going on by a particular point in the future.
                           #  On Saturday, we will have been living in this house for a year.
                           #  Next year, I will have been working in the company for 30 years.
                           In sentences with the future perfect continuous, we usually mention both the particular point in the future ( ‘ On Saturday, next year ……..’) and the period of time until this point ( …..’for a year’, ‘…….for 20 years’)
                         Notice that we don’t usually use the future perfect continuous with verbs describing states.
                         #  Next month I will have known Rahul for 20 years.
                                                           ( not…will have been knowing)


1.   AFFIRMATIVE                     : Subject +will, shall + have + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.

2.    NEGATIVE                           : Subject +will, shall +not + have + been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time.

3.   INTERROGATIVE               : Will, Shall + subject +have+ been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?

4.   NEG. INTERROGATIVE      :  Will, Shall + subject +not + have +been + first form of verb ( + ing ) + object + since , for + time?


                 12.1    Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. First sentence has been done for you:

                           1. I (write) a letter for two hours.
Ans. I will have been writing a letter for two hours.
2. They (do) their home work since morning.
3. The children (not play) for three hours.
4. You (play) in the garden for three hours.
5. Ram (read) novel since five 0’ clock.
6. They (revise) their lesson since Monday.
7. My friends (wait) for me for two hours.
8. She (knit) a sweater for four days.
9. The (live) in this house for five years.
10. He (not help) his father for the last two years.

                 12.2    Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect ContinuousTense—

                           1. He (live) in Mumbai for two years.
2. The peon (ring) the bell for five minutes.
3. She (work) hard for two months.
4. The students (take) a test in English for three hours.
5. Who (knock) at the door for five minutes?
6. We (take) exercise for two hours.
7. He (not smoke) for three months.
8. The juggler (show) his tricks for an hour.
9. The guests (take) tea for half an hour.
10. It (not rain) since morning.

              12.3      Re- write the following sentences changing the verb into Future Perfect Continuous Tense—

                           1. A cool breeze has been blowing since morning.
2. Our dog has been barking since mid-night.
3. Had the birds been chirping on the trees for an hour?
4. The well had been working for two days.
5. I have been playing for three hours.
6. Sheela had not been coming here for a week.
7. The child had been cutting teeth for two weeks.
8. Where has Han’s servant been working for two years?
9. I have been reading this book since morning.
10. I had been looking for you for a week.


                                                    A. Sequence of Tenses
The sequence of Tenses is the principle in accordance with which the tense of the verb in a  subordinate clause follows the tense of the verb in the principle clause.
Following are the rules about the sequence of Tenses.

Rule I  - If the verb in the principal clause (main clause) is in the Present Tense, the verb in the subordinate clause may be of any Tense (Present, Past or Future) according to the  meaning to be expressed.
Examples :
1. He tells us that he is strong and healthy.
2. He says that he will come tomorrow.
3. He says that he was ill’ yesterday.

In sentence 1, the verb tells is in the present tense in the principal clause and the verb in the subordinate clause is also in the present tense.

In sentence 2, the verb says in the principal clause is in the present tense whereas the verb will come in the subordinate clause is in the future tense.

Again, in sentence 3, the verb says in the principal clause is in the present tense while the verb was ill in the subordinate clause in the Past tense.

Rule II -  If the verb in the principal clause is in the Future Tense, the verb in the subordinate clause may be of any Tense (Present, Past or Future) according to the meaning of the sentence.

Examples :
. The teacher will say that the girl is late today.
2. The mother will say that the boy was naughty.
3. Rupa will tell us that she will be waiting for us at the bus stop.

The verbs in the principal clauses in the above three sentences are in the future tense, whereas the verb in the subordinate clause in sentence 1 is in the present tense, in sentence 2 it is in the past tense, arid in sentence 3 it is in the future tense .
Rule Ill - If the verb in the principal clause is in the Past Tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should also be of the Past Tense.
1. He assured me that the train had arrived.
2. She replied that she felt better.
3. She said that she would come at 4 p.m.
4. He saw that the clock had stopped.
5. I worked hard so that I might succeed.
6. The Principal declared that the late-corners would be fined.

In all above sentences the verbs in the principal and the subordinate clauses are of the past Tense.
There are, however, two exceptions to this rule.

Exception 1: A past tense in the principal clause may be followed by a Present Tense in the subordinate clause when the subordinate clause expresses a universal or habitual truth.
He said that honesty is always the best policy.
2. Galileo maintained that the earth moves round the sun.
3. The teacher said that a rolling stone gathers no moss.
4. Newton discovered that the force of gravitation makes apple fall.
5. He reminded us that a sleeping fox catches no poultry.
6. He was glad to hear that his brother is industrious.

Exception 2 : When the subordinate clause is introduced by ‘than’ (the conjunction of comparison) in any Tense, (Past or Future) in the principal clause may be followed by any Tense (Present, Past or Future) required by the sense in the subordinate clause.

He likes you better than he liked me.
2. He liked you better than he likes me.
3. He will like you better than he liked me.

Note: The same rule (exception 2) holds good if the comparison is expressed by ‘as well as’. If no verb is expressed after, ‘than’ of as well as’ in the subordinate clause, it is understood that the verb is the same as that of the verb expressed in the principal clause.

Rule IV - in a complex sentence involving an action in the future, we use Present Indefinite Tense (or Present Perfect) in the Subordinate Clause and will/shall in the Principal Clause.

1. Incorrect—If I shall go to Delhi, I shall bring a book for you.
    Correct—If I go to Delhi I shall bring a book for you.
2. Incorrect—I will go to school when I will finish my work.
    Correct—I will go to school when I finish my work.
                     I will go to school when I have finished my work.

                                      B.  Conditional Sentences
  There are four types of Conditional Sentences:

1.   Open Condition or a probable condition— It is a condition which may or may not be fulfilled.
  In it the structure is :

        If + subject + verb (Simple Present) + subject + will/shall / can + verb.
 (i)  If you work hard, you will pass.
(ii)  If you want a camera, you can take this one.
(iii) If you meet Geeta, please send her to me.

2.         Present but unfulfilled condition (Improbable Condition)
In this condition the structure is :
      If + subject + verb (Past Tense) + subject + would /could + verb (1st form)

   (i) If I won a lottery prize I would buy a car.
   (ii) If I were a bird I would fly to London.
   (iii) If you worked hard, you would top.

 Note: in these sentences the condition belongs to the Present time (time of speaking). But it is improbable or unlikely to be fulfilled.
“If you worked hard you would top.”
  In this sentence the speaker uses ‘worked’ instead of ‘work’. He does so because he knows  that, “You will not work hard.” But it is not a past condition, the examination is yet to be held.
 Note: In such conditions we can use ‘were’ with I, he, she and the noun in singular number.
If he were you, he would never surrender.

3.      Past or Impossible Condition
In this condition something has happened but we just imagine what would have happened if something else had happened.
In it the structure is
If + Subject + Past Perfect + Object + sub+ would / could/should have + verb (Past Participle).

(I) If you had helped me, I would have succeeded.
(ii) If you had informed me, I would have helped you.
(ii) If she had come to me, I could have helped her.
Another structure in such sentences is
(i) Had you helped me, I would have succeeded.
(ii) Had she come to me, I could have helped her.
(iii) Had you informed me, I should have reached in time.

4.      Casual relation between two sentences :When we express the casual relation between the two verses, we use Present Simple Tense in both clauses.
In it the structure is

                  If + Subject + Verb (Present Simple) + Subject + Verb (Present Simple)
        (i) If you heat butter, it melts.
        (ii) If you beat the child, it weeps.